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Smartphone Voting

Smartphone Voting

Response System for engaging your audience

Do you organize online presentations?  Do you organize online conventions?  Would you like everybody to actively participate in the process in a transparent way?  Would you like all the participants see the results of the polling or voting in real time?  Would like to have detailed data of the process for further analysis?  Can all those be done by non-experts?

With the Turning Point systems all the above are possible with just a click !

Response system works alongside with any video conferencing system

Turning Point system works alongside with any video conferencing system. The participants need to execute the vpad application in their PC, smartphone or tablet. They will key in their ID and the password – automatically generated by Turning Point for any new session – and in this way they get access to the polling/voting process.
The voting/polling administrator must have connected the USB receiver to the computer that is used for the presentation/training/voting session. The flow software must be running in the same computer. The flow software generates the password for the session, that is required for the remote connections and allows the management of the voting process such as collecting the answers and presenting the results. 

What are the benefits of using Turning Point as an on line polling/voting system :
It is extremely user friendly for the participants and the event organizers.
It is easily expandable – Simply purchase more vpad licenses.
The participants can use PC, Mac, Tablet or smartphone provided they have an internet connection.
No support resources from your IT department are required.
The results of the voting or polling are readily available.
Detailed data about the whole process are being maintained.

Interactive mobile voting

You can also see: Response SystemsFAQ.

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