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ErasmusPlus! Software

ErasmusPlus! Software (Version 4.93)

ErasmusPlus Software

ErasmusPlus! is an Administrative Software Application that assists the operations of the Office of International relations of Higher Education Institutions, in managing all major activities of the Erasmus Programme.

ErasmusPlus! supports Outgoing Students mobility, Outgoing Staff mobility, Incoming Students mobility, Incoming Staff mobility, Intensive Programmes and Organizational Mobility Expenditure Management.

Database operations – i.e. : Adding, Searching, Modifying, Deleting, Printing lists of participants records – for all the participants in the various Erasmus Programme activities are supported. 

The software supports all financial transactions – payments of grants to students, payments of grants to staff, payments to suppliers along with detailed financial reporting.

All Statistical Data and Summary Reports (i.e. Totals per Country, Totals per Area of Study etc) required by the European Commission are automatically generated.

Final participants lists and Excel Sheets required by the National Agencies are automatically generated.

All major parameters such as Area of Studies, ISCED Codes, Erasmus Institutions,  Languages  are compatible with the European Commission specifications.

ErasmusPlus! can be downloaded and installed in your computer for demonstration purposes using the following instructions :

  • The Application is packaged in the file : ErasmusPlus!_InstallationPackage (The link to the file can be found at the bottom of this page)
  • Right click on ErasmusPlus!_InstallationPackage and then select save as ..
  • Save the file at a location on your Computer (i.e : The Desktop)
  • When the file is downloaded at your computer double click on it.
  • With the double click, the installation procedure of ErasmusPlus! in your Computer is initiated. In the various Windows security messages click on ‘Accept’. In the various information screens of the Installation procedure always click on ‘Next’.
  • As soon as the installation is compteted the shortcut ErasmusPlus! is placed on your desktop.
  • You no longer need the file ErasmusPlus!_InstallationPackage on your desktop so you can delete it.
  • You can login to the Application with User Name : int and Password : int.
  • In order to purchase a license or ask for any Customization of the software you can contact Anova Consulting.

ErasmusPlus! Version 4.93


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