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Class Attendance

Automate the student attendance data management in your school11

Class attendance, the Aboca system:

  • Every school week for every student group, the students list along with the class timetable is printed on the special OMR absences sheets.
  • The teacher or an appointed student checks the appropriate “bubble” that corresponds to the absent student the specific school hour of the specific day.
  • At the end of the school day, the OMR absence sheets are handed to the school secretariat, scanned and the absences data : “Student name, lesson, lesson hour and date” are captured and automatically transferred to the school information system.
  • The OMR absence sheets are sorted per class in order to be used the next day.
  • At the end of the school week the new OMR Absence sheets are populated with student and lessons data for every class for the coming week.
Absences OMR form
Class Attendance management

Class attendance management, the traditional way:

  • In every classroom there is a class attendance register book.
  • Every school day, the teacher or an appointed student marks on the book, for every school hour the absent students.
  • At the end of the school day the class attendance register books are handed to the school secretariat in order to manually key in the absences in the School information system.

The benefits

  • The absences processing, is practically error free. The human intervention in the process is minimal and the Scanner and the capturing software make almost zero mistakes.
  • The absences processing time is minimized resulting to increased productivity.
  • Absences data are daily transfered to the School information system and students absences information is up to date at any moment
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